Friday, May 28

Genesis BBall League

Eh,atu baah! guys,hahaha!
Since tomorrow,we're not playing our usual league,so,me and Q suggests kmi main Bball!

amacaaam? :)

So the scoring system is as usual,get the ball into the hoop and that'll count as one.
And,the time for each match is 15 mins.

So,it'll just be like the Genesis Futsal League.
We'll change sides in 7/1/2 mins. err,it'll be fun,aku bawa team bball ku! KOS!
juniors plg tu drng,year 9 sja!

Here's the summary:
Day:Every Thursday except for tomorrow,but ada main tu isuk!
Time: mcm Gen league. Start at 1.30 or 2
Venue: MSPSBS Basketball Court
Teams:Genesis United Futsal teams jadi Genesis United Basketball Team!

note: this is just a suggestion :)

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