Thursday, February 25


"Mati ko kima!!!!!!!!" as quotes by K-laq
"There are two types of gay...and I'm one of them! :B" as quotes by Jona
after shooting wide...ZulQ said "Aku crossing arah ko wah Jon!"
"Ko ane eh Jon..." as quoted by Kam
"The understanding between Mirul and Azri are like Torres and Gerrard's"as quoted by Weeli
"Here! here! here! here! here! here! here!...(and it goes on and on and on :B)"as quoted by Jon
"Ahhh! ahhhh! ahhhhh! help! help! gila aah your dog! he bit me!" as quoted by Kiat
"ahahahaha! cali eh ko ane eh Jon! ko macam stand up comedy waaaah!" as quoted by Ainul
"Antam tah ko..."as quoted by Kam
"Blah blah blah..." as quoted by Weeli
"Bah bah bah...adang! skali ko lagi,ko jaga" as quoted by Adib
"Gila,nyaman wah yooo!" as quoted by Ruha
"Mnasja kamu,Ah Jai kh,bincai kh,apa sja pun bulih!"as quoted by Binjai
"She said she loves me woohoooo!" as quoted by Weeli
"Eh jngn ko ambil vaccine atu eh! mun ko ngambil wah,ko jadi murtad tu psal drng masukkan babi arah badan mu!" as quoted by Pijul
"Tenet~" as quoted by Weeli
"Jon! mun aku bukan islam wah! aku paluk2 kuyuk mu tu!" as quoted by ZulQ
"Eh! Cari klaie kh?!" "Toing! eksenku wah!" as quoted by ZulQ after Aiman (Diver) said sumthng...
"Eh! Eh! Eh! Mau jua ku shooting!" after his shot gone wide,Iqbal quoted "Bula wah punya pasal,nda nyaman!"
"How do you spell Justin Bieber?" "J-U-S-T-I-N-B-I-E-B-E-R" "SALAH!" "Cna th?"
"Duii! sanang sja yoo! 3 letter! G-A-Y-...sanangkn?" as quoted by Jona
"Chill Jon..." as quoted by Sekhai,Kam and Weeli
"Pembual tu ya...pembual tuu..." as quoted by ZulQ
"Eh ko ane Jon,aku cakap c Athar,ko plng yng marah..."as quoted by Asyraf
"Kan nangis ku ih!" "mmmbah,agath ko!" "Inda ko comfort aku kh?" "Ehhhh!bhpa?"As quoted by Afiq
"Ah! C Jon tu punca!" as quoted by Haji and Asyraf

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