Thursday, December 24

Genesis - our journey II

with every success, there is always a darker side to the story. weeks before the Z.I. Open, rumours of defects flew about the school like wildfire.

Fahim went on to join Dome FT, and the most surprising and stunning rumour: Kamarul quitting. as one of the most influential and recognised players, we could immediately see some players that would go and quit with him.

the very first serious group meeting was in order. the mission was to get Kamarul to make his most important decision.

eventually he changed his mind and unified Genesis, leading to its name being changed to Genesis United FC.

Genesis is always one team. the only reason subgroups exist is to avoid greed and because of the limitation of players.

Victor got its name from the Word Victory, Oscar was derived from an impromptu suggestion during an English class, Sigma got their name from Adib's idea, since he wouldn't stop bugging everyone and no one had a better idea.

up to date, Genesis has members from every level starting from MA4 and below. with our success at obtaining a cup and our thriving victories, more and more pledges poured in.

Jona, Syazwan, Muqri, just to name a few are some of the names that have been put in this team to make it what it is now.

without teamwork, we die.

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